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We sell registered IELTS & TOEFL, E

- nabidka - [14.03.2016]
We sell registered IELTS & TOEFL, ESOL, and CELTA/DELTA and other English Language certificates. We offer our exclusive clients the ability to gain IELTS certificates and many other documents without taking the exams. The regions we cover are Asia ,UAE, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait ,Australia ,Canada and Europe and The exams are taken for them by writers who are paid to do it using the names of our clients. Our organization is well connected with various invigilators and test centers to allow our writers to take the exam on your behalf. We also create ID cards with the names of our clients to allow the writers do the exam without problems. All our certificates are original and British Council certified. We do not make false certificates! If you want to make an enquiry send an email .WE can also help you to get valid Work permits,Driver’s license ,second passport and Visas to European ,USA,Canada and Australia .PLEASE SERIOUS CUSTOMERS ONLY! :clasic.consulate@gmail.com Email : clasic.consulate@gmail.com Skype: insue.embassy whatapp:: +905338313731
Mail: clasic.consulategmail.com
Telefon: 0

Lokalita: Brno - město
Cena: 200 Kč / 6.64 EUR €
Práve si prohlížíte inzerát We sell registered IELTS & TOEFL, E

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